Forum users needed

Name: Reggie.
Skin: Chompz.

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Name: Gecka-Gecka
Skin: Geckasaurus

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Name: Yoyo
Skin: Shamrock Sam inside a transparent circular barrier (Collision. Off. Please.)
Gadget: Snowball Launcher (Epic)

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Name: Unavailible
Sentry Skin: Sentry Robot
Small Gimmick :skull:: has lasers that are around it on a 1-second beatblock timer.

image Laser spam is crazy :moyai: :moyai:


My custom Boss looks lame compared to Unavailible’s :sob:
so I added a few lasers for extra difficulty:

have fun


This isn’t mine, but I think it would look good.
Screenshot 2024-10-18 8.44.11 PM
[Original Maker]Im making new game with boss and I need help


If you’re gonna directly take something from someone else, please cite the source, thank you. I don’t mean to be rude, just a reminder.


Name: Nacho God
Skin: Fairplay
Item: Blaster (Legendary)

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Haha, I won’t make it that hard.

Anyways, my full idea:

same as above


Phase 1

  • Ice Baems (I misspelled it on purpose :P)

2024-10-18 10.01.00

2024-10-18 10.06.02

The white beam is the laser
The Boss (which is meeeeeee) will scatter those squares during the battle for warning, after 0.5 seconds, it will explode and damage the player.

  • Stats

HP: (Your choice!)
Attack Speed: (Max)
Attack Accuracy: (High)
Size: 2.0
No adaptive HP and Dropped item.

Phase 2:
After you destroyed me (which is impossible hahahaha), you will have to deal with the Second Phase, which the BIG Giant Froyo split into 4 Mini Froyos with 0.5 in size and x/3 of the HP for all of them, others remains the same, including the ice beam. (x equals the HP of the Giant Froyo)

Credits to Lucky_0p for the eye thing

(so adorable are they[1])

Sigma exceptional idea, isn’t it?

  1. ha, you wouldn’t think like that when you get in the actual game :DDDDDDD ↩︎


name: eiqcrmeliutgwhc
gim: zenith
just make it as painful and as difficult as possible please


That’s wild :skull:

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Name: Ruan Mei
Skin: Sweet Celebration

Name: ~Miso<3
Skin: Freya
DOUBLE BOSS PLSS (Me and Starfire r in this together)

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Name : Burning Birch
Gim : Maple
Item : P.M.L. (Legendary)
Gimmick: Barriers up until 3 props are destroyed.
When will the map come out?
Also what will it be named?

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Name: The Rock Solo
Gim: Riff
Gadget: Evil eye
Extra: Random hidden lasers and barriers activate and deactivate quickly around the boss


OH i’l do 1 please wait

ad more lasers and randomized trigger delay 1 so lasers every ramdomly
gadget: evil eye
and add whatever u want


Name: Jobozo
Gim: Peaceful Morning
Gadget: Blaster
Other stuff: A randomizer with special attacks! Get creative! :D


Atom(if it was released, or if its possible), but if you can’t, I guess Axle (Blue)

Atom Gim(unreleased):Atom - The Gimkit Wiki (please draw him about to go b00m (he’s a atom doing nuclear fission)
Axle (Blue):Axle (Blue) - The Gimkit Wiki

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Name: Noobie
Skin: Maple

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Name foxface
Skin dodge


Welcome Back! @gimkitcalvin

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