Hi! I’m making a platformer map with a forest theme, any ideas for mechanics and decoration would be appreciated
Ideas I had that are put in place:
you could try adding wild animals just for a challenge
- PIles of leaves
- Signs
- A cave with a gasp dragon inside
- Powerups for speed
I’ll give more later.
Maybe even a forest temple filled with traps for some loot
you could also added a boss that fits the theme
A bit stereotypical, but you could have a bridge fall apart that plunges you into a river right as you get close to say the temple, and you have to go through a cave system further downstream to get back to near the temple.
and maybe add some alligators to the river
You could use the first world in super Mario odyssey which is some rainforest thing.
As far as how you would actually construct this, the bridge collapse would send the player down into a bunch of blue barriers slanted so that the player slides and can jump back up, with green lasers inside alligator emojis the player must occasionally jump over. Then have the player make a last second jump otherwise they fall off a waterfall and are impaled by sharp rocks. Checkpoint could be before bridge collapse, with the bridge resetting upon player oofing.
I would also appreciate if people would like to share ideas for titles.
maybe even mechanics for the level.
OOH OOH!! You can add a dark forest with big dark trees and you can (maybe) cut the music when you get in it, just like the Minecraft Pale garden. Maybe add a monster please? Your welcome
Edit: Maybe Woodland Adventures for Title?