FNAG 1 Thumbnail

Good job it’s cool thank you so much

1 Like

Np! If you want me to make changes, let me know!

@David.1 , when are you closing submissions for voting?


Today? and how do i do it?

You click the settings button and then build poll to create a poll like this:

Choose a number.
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
0 voters

Number each entry and create a poll with those numbers. That is the easiest way to do create a poll for thumbnails.

  • WOW
  • IT
0 voters

Just following up @David.1 . When will voting start because you haven’t posted in this topic for 19 days.

bro you are not allowed to put horror games like that on discovery

Yes you’re, it just can’t contain ketchup :+1:


woah, this hasn’t had a solution yet? Nows the time to make a poll lol

those aren’t allowed anymore.

yea ik but it doesnt make any sense…but anyways…