Title: Flood Rush
Specific Gims: Half-Glass Full, (any other of choice)
Minimum Gims: 1
Maximum Gims 5
Backdrop details: Water rising from below
Gim Details: Gims trying to jump onto props (at least 1 should be about to fall, another is falling)
Deadline: It’s a WIP so idk, probably October 5th but idk.
Extra Details: Add clouds, don’t add a sun, make the game by “~Miso<3 + @thatmyboy” since we made it together!
Drawing Style: Any, your choice
Pings: (none cuz I don’t do that which idk why I put this here…)
Me trying to put every single detail for 30 min as the game is being made- lol
Good Luck! (Just ping any of us if you have more questions, I’ll be angrily depressed about it but sure)