Final boss ideas for a near-done game

i am making a game and im almost done execpt for a boss fightand i have no idea what to do for diloug. There are 3 phase. a base fight, a chase seane and a final fight after the chase

Make it so the players have to break props to attack him

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First off, what Gim are you planning to use for the boss, and where are each other the phases set in?

But anyway…
Phase one:
The player enters the boss room, and the boss spawns in. The player then has to break lots of props (like @Neon11 said) to force the boss to flee. During this phase, the boss attacks by sending out lasers and gadget attacks.

Phase two:
The player then has to follow the boss through a maze of sentries and laser, while dialogue from the boss randomly pops up through the chase.

Phase three:
The player finally reaches the boss on the edge of a cliff or something. The boss then clones itself and takes away the player’s gadget, forcing them to dodge the attacks. After a bit, the clones disappear, and the player can attack again. The boss can still attack the player, and its lasers deal more damage.

This was a lot. I hope this fits with the lore of your game. :slight_smile:


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