I “Attemped” to draw Green Split
Well, I would advise using layering.
Nonetheless, this sadly isn’t allowed on the forums.
Hope I could help, have a great day!
(I suppose it’s night now lol)
Wait why isn’t this allowed?
Well the rules are already strict enough about art.
It has to be GKC related. The Gimkit “Creative” Forums
Plenty of people have done this before
None returned
(that’s a complete joke lmao, just try not to do it again)
Oh, okay then! Sorry about that
You’re good!
The right leg gotta be fixed bud.
Nothing else then that, this is fine.
Fedora is right through, this isn’t allowed. You can request thumbnails are create art guides with Art
I’ve moved this to help so you can mark a solution.
Ill switch it back to art when your mark one.
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