Faster Gims In Host Mode?

So I loaded into a creative map to work on it and I seemed so much faster. I thought they finally saved editing settings but they were still defult. The only thing I did differently was turn my brightness setting down so I wouldnt be blasted by light early morning. Am I just hallucinating or did they make gims faster?


Probably hallucinating.


Mark a solution?

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I’ve noticed that their walking animations are faster, and something feels off about their movement. Their speed still seems fine, the animation just feels somehow off.


Nevermind, @Gim_Fishy, I am sorry because this actually is happening.


I tested it myself and I seem to just be walking fast and glitching forward.


Also, I’m not sure if this is related, but I noticed that if I walk down while in contact with the top left side of a circle barrier while facing right, the Gim will turn left. This seems to be due to the Gim walking towards the left when it slides down the surface, but I swear I never saw this before. I’m not sure if it’s intentional.

that’s what is also happening to me

I think it is. You do remember the hilarious glitching gims yesterday rignt? There was a HUGE update that came out yesterday related to a new gamemode.

I believe this is intentinonal and is part of the code yesterday. I can’t wait to see what gimkit has next in store.

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I don’t really see much of a change. However, it does seem that the gim is faster than usual and that the gim is slightly glitching forward,.

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so no need to ping jeffo?

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could this be related to the platformer mode revealed in the discord server (idk, i heard about it in the gimkit fandom)?

but other than that, seems like it was intentional, but if it wasn’t, then it’s happening to every gim

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if it is, than it better be quick!

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I accually enjoy this bug

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Well @WhoAmI’s gim started bouncing up and down when he went to his telelporter.

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This happened to me in all gamemodes as well

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I only started glitching and going fast when my game started lagging. I think the game cannot comprehend the lag so it does some strange things.

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