Welp, I’m trying out the new creative gammode, when, I made this setup, meaning to drop him from the sky when barrier deactivated, but, umm.
floating Sentry!
This is such a dumb question.
Welp, I’m trying out the new creative gammode, when, I made this setup, meaning to drop him from the sky when barrier deactivated, but, umm.
floating Sentry!
This is such a dumb question.
Ummm… do the sentries fall to the ground even without a barrier?
did you put something there and make it invisible
wait, I might have a solution.
if i activate it, it does fall, but I really want it to be dropped from barrier.
nope. it just doesn’t fall
How about first try making the setup with a button
do any of y’all know how to activate a sentry for only one player…
well, I know that wont work, because whenever you deactivate a barrier underneath a sentry, the sentry doesn’t respond
I put a sentry in midair on my map and it works just fine.
What player?
but I want it to fall once I activate a zone.
like, player scoped
So I did. it still doesn’t work.
I have a work around, but then i will need a way to activate a sentry (player scoped)
not global, but player. I think using a player scoped triggeR?
I think this is happening due to the lack of physics in gimkit. Like when you make a platform it stays there, I think this is the same
No, like a random player?
NVM, I figured it out.
Just make the respawn time 0, and activate barriers above the sentry for only the player.
maybe make it so there is a sentry lapping over it that activates after
maybe, but the issue arises again.
I need it to be player scoped. but there is no scope setting on sentries