Exploring and Investigating the capabilities, of... The trigger!

Hello everyone, as you might know there is a device in Gimkit called, the trigger.
This device right here:
Screenshot 2024-08-14 4.55.17 PM

For those of you “experts”, you probably know how to work your way around this device.
For those of you newer Gimkitters, you probably haven’t paid any attention to this device. Well for you newer guys, allow me to inform you, that you are totally and absolutely WRONG!
In this guide I will be going over why the trigger is one of the most helpful and useful devices in all of Gimkit.

Storing Information

Triggers are a great way to store information on blocks, whether you want to wire it or channel it. Below is a screenshot from one of my previous games
Screenshot 2024-08-14 5.14.12 PM

As you can probably see, I stored my property value in this trigger because it is the only actually reasonable place to put it. (Ps… This game is coming out soon :slightly_smiling_face:)

Low Memory Cost

Now the memory. In my opinion the memory cost, is pretty low.
40 memory for just the device and an additional 500 if you want block codes. But please, correct me if I am wrong.


Whoa, whoa, whoa, if you thought I was talking about stuff like for loops, sorry to disappoint you, but I am not that advanced, and I don’t even think that is possible. I am talking about like when you run out of available channels or something, and you need to wire something back to itself, triggers can be very useful. Here is an example:
In this scenario, we want the button to deactivate after being pressed.
Button to trigger:

And trigger to button:

It’s just that simple

Well that’s it for today’s guide. I hope you enjoyed it and found it helpful.
Please give this a like, as it is my first guide :smile:.


Good guide!

Loops are possible. Just wire(or using channels, or block code) a trigger to another trigger and then have the other trigger be wired back to the other trigger.

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I couldn’t quite understand the last part though :sweat_smile:

Sometimes my English can be pretty bad, but let me re-write it to this:
trigger ↔ trigger
The ↔ represents a two way wire, or two wires that go from device A to device B and return from device B to device A.

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Okay thanks for the clarification.

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You need to add trigger activation states, where you store information in whether the trigger is active or not.

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Can you run out of channel? If you can I never knew lol. I don’t think so though, I use a lot of channels.

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Triggers are great :heart:

I think there’s a recursion limit or something

Yep, 300 iterations a second usually. If you’re clever you can get away with 15k iterations a second though.