Hi,I would like a thumbnail for my game called eternal enemies.
Here are the requirements:
Enviroment:In A Multi-Biome Area
Action: the gims fighting each other with stonebursters.
Deadline: 2/6/25
Name Of Game: Eternal Enemies
Game Made By: KirbyKing.
Spesific Artist:
wow, this sounds like an awesome game, i cant wait to check it out when it comes out, i would be happy to make a thumbnail for you!
Thanks! I hope to get it on the Gimkit awards.
do you prefer regular sand or purple sand?
List Of Biomes:
snowy area
Can I Have A Hint Of Progress?
I’m excited to see the results!!!
I’ll see what I can do for the factory biome.
Wait, i was summoned :0
Time to do it i guess
Yay More Peoples
forgot to mention that Raze is holding a prickler.
And only Nomad is holding a stonebuster.
okay thanks! I was just about to ask.
well I’m going to go eat so I wont be able to work on this but I should finish before tomorrow.
WOW. Nice Work!
I will create a Poll for people to vote to see which one is best.
Also it’s *start
Thought those were banned
Yeah, they are. Sorry! You’ll just have to pick one yourself.
I believe it made people, you know, upset because they got zero votes or whatever.