So I’m making a dld kind of game, and I want an end of game widget to show what summit you ended on, and I’m wondering if the end of game widget has a player, team, or global scope, so I know if this idea works.
If you don’t understand my question, it’s what scope does the end of game widget have? Not activation/deactivation, but for the text itself.
The scope should be for the player. Make a zone for the first platform of each summit, then make it transmit on a channel when entered and grant a player an item. Make a counter track the amount of items each player has and make it update on a property. Then, set the end of game widget to track the property of each player.
Oh, sorry! I guess I misread the question. Yeah, it should be a player scope if the widget is personal for each player (showing how many summits they climbed)