End of game trigger help needed

Can anyone tell me how to make something where at least 10 people trigger something the game end but the people that trigger it are on a specific team?

So each player has to have specific item for the game to end?

Technically yes but i want to see if it is possible for that player to be on a specific team.

No not like that but close i want it to where if at least 2-5 (depending on how many people are on the team) trigger it it ends the game.

Oh so you need a counter and a button.Wire the button to the counter. Button click increase the number. Set button to player scope. Make it when the button is clicked, deactivate it.


How do i end it from there? @CyanTigerReigns

dont zones have a special thing where only a specific team can activate it?


after the counter counts 4 clicks, it receives a signal that, like, open the door. that is, the red one disappears, the blue one appears, this is what you need (there can be more than 10 players)

somthing like this?

oh, should I finish the game? well then

Put like that end game thing when the target is reached.

Use a trigger that is restricted to one team. Then use a counter with a target value. When reached, it ends the game


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