this one’s a tough one.
I’m not sure, but I’m not the best at properties, maybe someone else will help
I don’t know exactly how to do it but it will probably involve properties the device.
Will anyone build upon that?
Most emojis are considered as 2 characters, so if you add the length of the emojis together, then divide by 2, it should work.
I’ll build upon this in a sec
Apparently because it’s a base emoji with a color toner correct?
I’m pretty sure that applies to all emojis on most sites
I looked it up, apparently, for other emojies like would be 5 characters, because of the combination between emoji (2) + ZWJ(1) + emoji (2)
ZWJ apparently merges the two images together, and are usually considered 1 character.
This system should work for getting an emoji from a number. You can build off of this however you want. If the system breaks, that usually means that you used an emoji that is more than 2 characters long.
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