Duplicate Topic [ID:143169]

this is just a dupe guide, the original post could have become a wiki
this is also one jump, so this is probably gonna get flaged


How is this useful?
I don’t get how it can be used to benefit in a game.


It’s useful since, if you want a more harder map you could add this, since as Demo said, it makes it a little tricky. Also, I’m adding more jumps.

you could of just added this to void fluffy’s catalog of jumps?
this is just clutter


Shadow would you mind giving me editing access.

Yeah, but I feel like this would be better as a guide.

Its not a wiki yet. No one has made it a wiki

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well even then, the original topic could have just became a wiki

Yeah. I still want to keep this open though.

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Still keeping open is still clutter

there is no valid reason for this to be open because
A. there is void fluffy wiki made just for this
B. the original topic could have became a wiki, instead of making a another post with the exact same thing

Is useful info clutter?

Let there be peace

Duplicate guides aren’t useful info since its basically the same as the person who originally posted a topic like this

Good point

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I’m trying to add the second jump right now. It’s also my own, and I plan on adding 5 more of my own.
Also, I can’t listen to you guys since I gtg.

why do we need a guide on how to make a jump, well a jump, there’s “probably” a guide on many types of jumps (that are wikis) and you probably couldve just don’t that
I’m sorry, this doesn’t feel useful/ this is clutter

off topic: but why are there 3 people with the same PFP and can I become part of it.

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This seems like a scramble for likes. Even though you knew Voidfluffy’s wiki existed, you decide to post this duplicate guide claiming that this guide “would be better.” I don’t know why you would simply ignore an entire wiki for this type of guides and post another short,choppy guide. Even if you did add a couple more jumps, this guide would contain less information than the wiki based on jumps.

Also this reply shows that you’ve been reminding other people to not make short guides that already have a wiki guide on, yet you decide to be a hypocrite and make a duplicate guide even though you knew that a original wiki existed containing information on this category of jumps.


duplicate guides do cause clutter.
yes, voidfluffy’s guide exist.
plus, why are there 2 guide that cover the same topic? 100% clutter
i agree with halloween coster, there is no point of this. its just another topic that covers the original guide.

in conclusion:

  • add these jumps to voidfluffy’s guide, their guide covers the same stuff in here, a platformer jump.
  • do not post topics the same to the original topic as it causes clutter and is super useless.

flag and move on.
w shadowshade

Uh guys, lets stop arguing about this is a duplicate guide and let the mods handle this.
I don’t want an unnecessary flame war to start