Don't Reply Post ID: 82539

you did it nice and good job

get a trigger and have it delayed for about 2 secs and have it wired to barrier for it to pop up

you cant you have to place a button to close it

give us permissions real quick and we can do that

No, you can simply do this:
Make the vending machine transmit on ā€œItem Purchasedā€ after it is purchased
and disables it when receive on ā€œItem Purchasedā€

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hmm ok

go ahead, gimkitsuggestor

Try again.

Iā€™m in chemistry class right now. Iā€™ll get back to you all in an hour.


Do not ever encourage this. Enabling permissions when the code has been posted publicly is a horrible idea.


In summary, I canā€™t prove anything so I canā€™t issue any punishment in this case. In the future, to stop this from happening, donā€™t join maps when people post them. Iā€™m gonna clear out the off topic posts now.