Don't look down harder

dude you just joined the forums :man_facepalming:

do you want someone to make a map or do you want help making a map?

also, PLEASE change your profile picture. it’s inappropriate.

The forums are not to chat here, and please think positive thoughts, if you feel down, don’t hesitate to get in touch with someone you trust.


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ok but there is no point an making it cause I want be living

Slim Let him talk his feelings through just for rn it seems he is going through something we need to get a mod or something in here

I cant they dont care

i would ping bh but idk if i should

Hey dude its ok i went through the same thing once im halfway through high school now. Just ask people who you trust what they think of you it maysurprise you. It did me thats how i changed my life around for the good.

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its okay, just chose a different order of words next time, and welcome to the forums!

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thx for the talk but I don’t want to live

Sry if I sound blunt.

You’ll be okay, the feelings are mutual. Even if you can’t see the end of the tunnel, it’s there. Just try to find at least something you love and try to cling onto it. I can’t see the outside of my darkness but I’m still hanging on. Hopefully this community will indirectly help you get better as you begin to become a part of it. This community is one of the few reasons why I’m still here. If it wasn’t for everyone here, I wouldn’t be able to relay this message to you. So please, stay a bit longer, it’ll be better.

As someone who’s also combatting Depression and Su!c!dal thoughts
I feel your pain, it may seem like it’s a better to just “Disappear”, but don’t do that, nothing will end well after someone “disappears”. It’ll just dump problems on everyone who knows you. So like I’ve already said, please, stay a while, we’ll help you get better.

Heh. . . even though someone like you may feel like everyone’s out for ya, there are people that are for ya. I’ve also thought this way once, but it’s not good to think that way because it’ll keep you from noticing the help being offered to you. So please don’t think that way.

Just continue communicating with this community and it’ll get better sooner than you’ll realize it. Like I keep on saying, stay some time, you’ll be better.


Screenshot 2024-09-13 9.59.20 PM Do NOT kay why ess. May I suggest looking at wholesome memes?

Wait, they HIT you? Assuming they’re your school friends, can’t you report them to the principal for that?

Screenshot 2024-09-13 10.03.57 PM


Screenshot 2024-09-13 10.11.26 PM

if you want to make your DLD map harder, try making longer jumps with less room to land on. that way there’s less room for error. you can also use timed lasers that give you a small amount of time to get through. you can also make fake platforms (for trolling)

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I cant because I do but they don’t do anything