Untitled error 666666

Hello everyone! As you may know I have been accidentally posting and doing things that are against the community guide lines. I have made this to both say that I am truly sorry and to ask if anyone can help me find out where the rules are.

[literally just a link to the rules page]


Thank you dude for the help

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Welcome to the community @LYLE! New users don’t know the rules well enough to know between right and wrong. So you are fine. But to prevent further issues please do the “Greetings” message and read the FAQ.

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This is also a good place to look for basic rules and concepts.

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welcome to the forums! @LYLE

Welcome to the forums, @LYLE !

Thanks guy. I realy appreciate it


Welcome to the forums, @LYLE !

Ngl, this is very off topic, so Lyle, you may want to mark a solution…

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