Don't ๐—ฅ๐—จ๐—ก for help. ๐˜ ๐˜ฐ๐˜ถ ๐˜ฎ๐˜ช๐˜จ๐˜ฉ๐˜ต ๐˜ด๐˜ฌ๐˜ช๐˜ฑ ๐˜ข ๐˜ด๐˜ต๐˜ฆ๐˜ฑ!

So youโ€™re saying that we should just ban the innocent people who didnโ€™t do anything and let the people who are actually breaking the rules bypass moderation?


That is wrong!


Iโ€™m not saying that we should ban the innocent people. Iโ€™m saying that the AI had to be banned because the people who were trying to actually train it useful stuff didnโ€™t have much control over the people who were breaking it. So, they canโ€™t do very much to keep the AI intact and kept away from those type of people. The AI had to be banned because it was clearly getting out of control.


Then why not justโ€ฆ ban the people misusing it or tell the creator of the AI personally to implement something that wonโ€™t let it get too off-topic?


Iโ€™m with. Why should we even have gimai in the 1st place?
I mean it was cool but if you just ask the ai questions instead of humans then this forum should be
non-existent and you should use chat Gpt


Iโ€™m not saying that it SHOULD be banned, but it was banned because even though the creator was trying to fix it, it still kept breaking.
I agree, the people who were trying to break it should be banned.


Iโ€™d even be fine with that, I remember it was asking @Blackhole927 if he wanted it to be deleted and then and there, he shouldโ€™ve just said it should be because I know he wanted to and nothing bad about the AI after that wouldโ€™ve happened.


Iโ€™m saying we shouldnโ€™t have messed around with it that way in the first place. The AI was causing problems, and one way to solve those problems is to ban that account. It would probably be better in the long term for the people who were causing those problems to be punished, but itโ€™s not always easy to tell who those people are - if everyone who talked to the AI during those times was banned, I guarantee there would be many more complaints than there are now. Itโ€™s just a rule of life that actions have consequences, and sometimes those consequences are dealt to people who didnโ€™t do anything to cause those problems. We as individuals just have to do our best to think things through before we do them, and hopefully that will ensure that negative consequences are as minimal as we can make them :]


Whoโ€™s we?


Hey, I get your concerns about AI misuse, but we need to remember that AIs like this one are just tools, not sentient beings with intentions. They work based on their programming and input. When issues arise, itโ€™s usually because of misuse or unintended consequences of the programming. Instead of outright banning the AI, it might be more effective to address the root causes. This could involve refining the AIโ€™s programming or educating users about responsible AI use. While it may be challenging to identify responsible individuals, we shouldnโ€™t dismiss accountability. Perhaps we need better methods for investigation and response. Itโ€™s important to ensure that those responsible face consequences for their actions, extending the principle of accountability to larger systems. We should promote responsible use while maintaining fairness and justice. So, rather than implementing potentially disruptive or unfair solutions, the focus should be on identifying and addressing the underlying causes.


I wrote an explanation about that at some point, but it looks like it got delisted/deleted -__-
But regardlessโ€ฆ

It would probably be better in the long term for the people who were causing those problems to be punished, but itโ€™s not always easy to tell who those people are - if everyone who talked to the AI during those times was banned, I guarantee there would be many more complaints than there are now.

โ€ฆ I explained this already. You give somebody a pretend plastic sword, they hit their friend with it, and the weapon is taken away. Is it the weaponโ€™s fault? No - the weapon being taken away isnโ€™t meant to be a punishment for the weapon, itโ€™s meant to be a punishment for the person who was misusing it. I get that it could be disappointing for some people who wanted to be able to use the โ€˜weaponโ€™/AI without misusing those privileges, but the whole point of taking the thing away is to prevent people from being able to misuse it further.


No Iโ€™m not, but ok?..


This may be unsafe, but bump.


This is a great guide. Shame that a war had to occur hereโ€ฆ




Perhaps in time, the scars of the past will be healed over by new comments. (sticking with the war theme)


That quote was fancy


Dangerous to do this, since there might be a risk of war continuing here.
But, bump.

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Is the war over? What was it called? (Imagines world war 3โ€ฆ)


Forum War I