Does anyone know how to make a custom knockout message?

You’ll need a notification to send a message when a player is knocked out which you can detect with a lifecycle.

other help topic about this, answer might be in here

I went there and the one I tried was from @harharharhar83 but it’s not working

I’m trying to make custom ones

try the process all over again, you might’ve missed something, in code if anything is wrong, the whole thing doesn’t work

I did everything right here’s a photo

what device did you insert this block code in

did you put down a lifecycle down and wire a trigger to it, then in the trigger insert this block code?

A trigger @Aubec7 because for @harharharhar83 said to use that

did you also put down a lifecycle and wire the trigger to that?

@harharharhar83 did not put that on his reply at all

try that, if it works, let me know

I tried when you first said it and it doesn’t work at all :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Player knocked out transmit on: Death Message

Trigger when receiving on: Death Message

did you set those things to this?

*cough cough my guide that covers what you want to know cough

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Nope I did not do that @Aubec7
(I’m a big dumdum :sob:)

tell me if it works

Are you in full screen? The activity feed items don’t always show up unless you are

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Pull out a lifecycle and trigger and go into the trigger and make sure to make it not able to see in game and can’t be triggered when a player steps on it!

Next go into blocks and clicked on the “When Triggered” block to code in to the code.
Make a variable called Num or number it doesn’t really matter but it is going to add randomness to the knock out messages!
Then make this code and you can add more custom messages later.

Then go out of the trigger and go to wires(usually don’t use wires but it makes it more simple for now) and connect the lifecycle to the trigger and do this.

Then you’re good!

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