Does a game with a gacha/lootbox mechanic count as a gambling mechanic? (poll)

I’m not sure whether the mechanic to get items counts as gambling or not. Does anyone have the answer? Thanks!

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Welcome to the forums as for your question I don’t know but I think it is probably fine farmchain does have a lottery


Welcome to the forums! Can you explain a little bit more about your question please?

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farmchain is official, so i’m still a bit worried. thanks, though!


It doesn’t count. I’ve played games like that and they still exist.

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I have a vending machine that gives a random weap0n when used, which ties in with the core mechanics of the game. Right before I was about to post it, I checked the TOS and there was a mention that gambling was not allowed.
Is this vending machine allowed by the TOS?
Thank you so much!


It’s allowed. What you have sounds like a randomizer.


Maybe we can make a poll for people to vote?

  • Yes, it’s allowed
  • No, don’t do it
0 voters
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Oh, in that case, I’m pretty sure it’s fine… Sounds like a fun game! We can vote in the poll

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Kool, you found out saying weap0n is ok, you should try using the word GADGET instead
Well…I think there is a randomizer device you can wire to the vending machine that can be wired to the random gadget, or make an invisible button and wire it to the randomizer and same to the random gadget

Not really sure but I think what I just said is worth a try!
What I mean is:
Vending Machine → Randomizer → Random Gadget
Button (Invisble and under the vending machine) → Randomizer → Random Gadget

And just one tiny off-topic thing that has nothing to do with this or GKC

Happy Birthday Monoreuk! :partying_face:


By the way lollypearl, maybe you should add the word “poll” into your title, so we can get more people to vote

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If you have found a solution, don’t hesitate to mark it down.


ok, thank you all so much! i’m posting it right now!


Yes, if you have found one that helps you the most, mark it down! :grin:
Posts that don’t get solution when there has most likely been one can promote chatting…


i used a trigger with a random integer. i don’t really remember when i came up with it, but yeah. thank you all so much again!


You mean that there were a bunch of if statements with a variable that was a random integer?

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In my personal opinion, lootbox mechanics are allowed, but they don’t really make good gameplay most of time. Some games do lootboxes good, but Roblox TTD is not one of them, so don’t have a very low chance to get a good gadget, because RNG-carried Ronald is going to get every good item while also being horrible at the game, but all of the non-sweaty players that are actually good have [Common P.M.L], and can’t win because Ronald has a legendary blaster. End of my rant.


It’s fine if you do this. 14 people voted for an (unnessesary) poll that literally says it’s fine o_O

mark a solution and close this.

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