Do you know how to make a specific button to activate a special move?

I’m trying to make where the role you chose has a special move for the tank it has a move that it k!lls enemies near it instantly

The ideas tag is only used for getting map ideas and mechanic ideas and such. yeah this is possible. just use an overlay that’s wired to stuff.

Hey @Kosm0-o why do you always change your profile
Now back on topic, what’s the stuff you use to do that?

well I prob wont be changing pfp until harharharhar83 comes back. I just like to change it. for the tank’s ability you can use this:

instead use a respawn device instead of a damager. hopefully you understand overlay abilities more. I have an ultimate guide on abilities in the making but it wont be out anytime soon…


I will use the guide to help with my map and my friend MR.SPED_MAN


How does everyone else spell Guild correctly, but I don’t?

@Kosm0-o Add another one. Did I really just did that…

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Lol guild count 10