Disappearing and reappearing platforms

I have been trying to figure out how to make them disappear then reappear after some time but can not figure it out. What should I do?

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I got u gimme one sec to get pics

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(Post deleted by author)


Nevermind (@Halloween_Coster would probably have beat me anyway)

get the flooring devices

Step 1

Wire the lifecycle to the repeater

Step 2

Change the following settings for the repeater
Screenshot 2024-11-10 12.34.10 AM

Step 3

Change the settings in the counter


4 minutes late


Thanks, that was super helpful!

Sorry for saying this, but this method won’t work.

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This is mine, it works when I try it. I have actually never done something like this before, so I learned it too : )

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wait did I not add how to make them reappear

Correct, the repeater is only be able to run 10 times in your settings, meaning that they will stop sending the pulse after 10 times of repeating.
Plus, you are only deactivating the barrier after 10 seconds instead of making them reappear.


  • Lifecycle
  • 4 wire repeater w/delays of however many seconds you want
  • 2 barriers, one is not active on game starting
    Like in my photo, place the wire repetears in pairs, and wire the lifecycle to the first one of both pairs.
    Barrier One:
    First wire repeater: Wired to the first barrier, Wire repeater recieve pulse → deactivate barrier
    Same w/ second wire repeater but “activate barrier” instead.
    Now, wire the first wire repeater to the second, then the second to the first.
    Barrier Two:
    Same thing, but when first wire repeater is wired to the barrier two, “activate barrier” cause I set the barrier to not active on game start. The second wire repeater should wired to the barrier two as “deactivate barrier”.
    @120707 Does this make sense? I don’t think there’s a guide about this, do you think I can make one?
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Sorry @Dazz, but there is already a solution. Really awesome idea, maybe you should make a guide on it!

Oh ok, I didn’t see the replies before
:purple_heart: ← Cause I ran out of likes

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That’s okay, I’ve done the same before… But like I said, really cool idea!

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