Dig it up bug found, please fix

yeah a bit but not

to me, a lotta games lag based on wifi or GoGuardian.

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yep its the wifi router doing that.

yeah he made a meme out of it.

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Okay, yeah, that’s what I had thought.
You don’t seem bothered by it, though, which is good.
I mean, it’s nothing to be offended by or anything, but…yeah.

Also, there’s this thing called Bark that commonly impedes ur internet connection, not wifi. That’s at my dad’s house and it gets rly annoying. i think bark connects with wifi router and connects to EVERY device in your home. so yeah, that may be wut causin it.

yeah its a device manager, i have one at my house to but mine replaces my router completly.

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Hm. I don’t particularly have internet issues, but yeah.
Wait, is this topic solved or something?
Could I add resolved or something?

So its like a blocker?

naw bro did u dusty (lol get it)

no that tag is no longer used just wait for the owner of the post to mark a solution.

I didn’t know that. Does that mean we have to wait for the 950+ other post makers to mark solutions, too? Because something tells me that’s going to be hard to manage.
:roll_eyes: Y’know, I guess that makes sense.

those we have sort of left alone, i would clear them myself but i can’t

I know. You can only do so much.
I’m saying that in general, but only post makers can mark solutions…

not true, TL4’s, moderators, and Administrators can mark solutions too. And that’s what i meant by i can’t, the power i have restricts that. Which is why i ping jeff on those post if they are old and they dissappear soon after.

Exactly, I know what you mean.
But the first part, I didn’t know that…
Posts disappear? How?
Maybe they don’t—you’re just saying that.

dissappear is because he closes, them he doesn’t mark a solution he closes the post, then unlist it(makes it were you can search and find it) and the archives it which deletes the post from the forum. which is technically the same thing.

Oh. That’s clever. So if you were tl4 you could.
I guess that means there’s been attempts to remove clutter…
But there’s always been.

yes a Tle can do all that i just listed that jeff does, and i did that. I cleared about 20 post. But i didn’t have time to do enough, but yes if i was or anyone else was they could mark a solution to any post. That is also another reason why we need a Active mod, but its not as needed right now as it was.

That’s cool, but could cause some controversy.
I mean, it’d have to be suitable for the user creating the topic, because it’s their topic.
Being completely 100% honest, we definitely need a few. They don’t have to be active, like, everyday, but they have to be trustworthy and reliable.

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