Is there a chance the developer entered my game?
Will he continue to do so in different places such as Gimkit Creative?
If you don’t believe what I’m about to say, it’s fine, because I wouldn’t’ve believed it if I didn’t see it with my own eyes. However, I did see it with my own eyes.
I was playing DLD, a few minutes ago, for easy EXP. When I returned to the DLD tab I opened, I saw another person with the exact same niblet skin I had and the name “Gimkit”. There was nobody in my house that was even using electronics, let alone play Gimkit. The game was made completely solo, nobody was in it except for me, nobody knew of the link, and nobody even knew I was playing it. I could’ve had fun or went into some shenanigans with him, and his niblet did some friendly jumps up and down, but I was too surprised and disconnected moments later. The chances of someone randomly typing in a string of numbers and entering my game is infinitesimally small, and I wouldn’t be surprised if the dev was just goofing around in other people’s games. If you’re reading this and you’re the dev, and you actually did enter my game, all I can say is sorry for just leaving haha
Someone probably guessed the code, I’ve done it before tehehe
Also welcome to the forums!
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to @VoidFluffy
I’m sorry abt the other day i was kinda mad @VoidFluffy
I seriously doubt that a dev joined your game. They have more important things to do- like finessing the xp system, working on future Gimkit updates, etc. It’s likely some person trolling you who saw the code or guessed it.
please mark a solution, and welcome to the forums.
@Bardy_2913 yesn’t
Mostly likely a code guesser
please close the topic if you found a answer by marking it as a solution
Also, this is off-topic
Yeah once one of my friends actually did that once and the players were freaking out, it’s just a code guesser nothing to worry about unless it happens several times which may be your hacked.
Also no dev would do that. like why would they?! there’s 99.99% chance it’s just a code guesser.
This is probably a guy who’s trolling, he just guessed the code.
I mean, this is a funny joke, but the Gimkit TOS states that you shouldn’t be able to impersonate staff members (even if it’s a joke i think)
yeah i’ve done it before.
and to add on: it’s not even that rare, you could probably do it with enough patient
its a 1 in a million chance x the number of gimkit games that are 2d with 6 digit codes that are up
now the more smaller ones are creative games. Good luck with that.
also, this is off-topic so uhh, close this or mark a solution before someone flags. (Most likely someone alr has.)
It was me