Decoration ideas?

I was wondering if anyone had any ideas for how to theme/decorate my map

maybe some crates or plants/ ground breaking plants

wow thats a lot of wires

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like doing a plant vs non plant theme?

(also yeah lol it took a while. the wires allow use of a questioner for each health and ammo pack, triggering wires and sentries, and other stuff too)

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uhh yea kinda like that

the amount of wires is crazy
also add some props

yeah there’s a bunch going on, and I don’t use channels

yeah definitely gonna use props, gotta get a good theme first
might go for the plant/non-plant one tho

What’s your game about?
Just asking to give you ideas.

What kind of game is it?
That will help me decide

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Is it a battle between echo and vortex?

Well, I don’t have lore but here is how my game works.

Two sides, both with the goal of knocking out as many of the other side as possible before timer runs out. Everyone has access to the same tools, a common blaster. Spawn slowly refills ammo, though there is ammo packs close to the middle, and health packs in the middle and at spawn, though they require answering questions, and have a cooldown.
There is 3 lanes, upper, center, and lower.
the upper and lower lanes each have a laser between the path and their corresponding spawn, that only damages (1000 damage) enemy players. In order to get past, you must press a button for 3 secs, which will disable the laser and the sentry gaurding it.
The middle path has an inactive laser at each spawn, as well as a stronger sentry
pressing that button takes 5 seconds, plus an aditional 3 for it to take effect
the spawn buttons disable that spawn’s sentry, and enables a laser on the middle path that prevents that team from going down the middle path until they toggle the button back off.


What about a room full of computers where they can investigate the opposing team.
In this room you can also let the players look at the cameras using a camera system with camera points.

What about a modern vs ancient vibe?

I have the mechanics pretty much done, and while I’ll definitely think about that for a different map, this one shouldn’t get too much more complicated, as my fellow classmates will be using this map soon, and tbh I’m not sure they can handle a map that complicated.

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