Dead by daylight

ALSO! is it a platformer or topdown

it’s a platformer btw

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Got it. It’ll probably take 10 minutes but i’ll try to be fast. :slight_smile:


  1. Make sure you have 2 teams or whatever. Make sure not everyone can toggle the designated effect if you want.

  2. Use whatever prop you want, ill be using these…i am rushing so i wont make a :hook:, but i will make one if you want. COLLISIONS OFF.

  3. The trigger will be stepping on it. So a zone is the best way to do this. Grab one and set it to the team which will get trapped, and set it’s size to the radius.

3.5 Hide the coral if you want to have mini animation, connect to zone w wire to get it to show when you enter the zone.

  1. Add 2 speed modifiers. Keep one with the default settings, but change the other to 0.4 to .6

  2. When the player enters the zone, set the entrance channel to ACTIVATETRACK and exit channel to DEACTIVATETRACK or something like that.

  3. Speed modifier for the slow one, obviously activate on ACTIVATETRACK and the normal speed onto DEACTIVATETRACK.

let me know what i need to fix, its rushed sorry!


wait i actually dont really get this one, which team is it showing for?

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