I need help making this game. how to make it 1 vs multiple people also puzzles and abilities
What are the things you have already, what is it about?
I right now am watching gameplay of it, and making the map. I haven’t gotten far
Well I heard my friend say something about you trapping and bleeding out people with a hook
sorry if that sounds violent that’s what I remember
about the killers, I want xenomorph, the nightmare, ghostface, Michael Myers, the trapper, the legion, and pyrimad head
should I do it in platformer?
IDK its your choice
I decided platfromer but I still need help on generators and ablities
Well I am getting bored and wanting to watch youtube but here’s an idea:
Super speed: Go super fast for 5 secs.
ok thanks but I need 2 more for survivors and 2 more for killers
Barbed: a hook that is hard to get out
Schizophrenia: Make players see stuff to trick them
and now for the players:
Tazer: Get a 1 shot gadget that will hit the killer and if your wanting him to be “tazed” have checkpoints everywhere and him at 1 health
Tracker: Get survivors coord for 3 secs
how would I do this?
i dont really think schizophrenia is a good one but i can try to help you with barbed and tracker
do u need code or u gonna explain how to?
I can do a quick guide on how to make or i can test but wym code? like 4 the game?
I mean for the game. I am already reading a guide so just test
No game codes, please. They are not allowed on this forum.
Just explain to them really well.
really I got it pretty much I’m using a guide called hw to make a dbdsh game but I don’t enterially understand it
Alright it might take a minute but i’ll start now
thanks!apperciate it