Dandy's world idea help

a room randomizer

Uhh what does that mean- lol, Like randomizing teleporters?

What is doors… :skull_and_crossbones: :sweat_smile:

kinda like the doors random rooms

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(post eaten by pebble)

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Yes, that is probably what @metal_sonic-1 wants



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Oh ok that’s pretty easy, you could probably so something like this

And then the teleporter would receive on a channel like this:
Teleport when receiving on: 1

The trigger’s block code could be triggered through a button, a zone, or player collision when a player steps on a trigger

I think the block code could be more efficient but I’m doing school-work right now, so I can’t really mess with that.


alright i will try that thx

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ok what is dandy’s world?I’m like known to make horror on gimkit and I still don’t know what that is.

Wait wait wait I’m so sorry but I didn’t know you can get banned for being underage

Mascot horror survival game where you venture deeper into “Gardenview!” Escape twisteds, finish machines, the game is kinda infinite until you d*e so play as far as you can! Found on roblox.

Also, how would using a randomizer make a ability like gigi’s work?
Also, just a toon idea
Item: Jigsaw puzzle pieces!

Pieceful Puzzling
(Can be used while extracting)
Grants the player a 25-50 extraction boost for 7 seconds (Has a cooldown of 100.)

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maybe do something like this for pebble

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i like that idea

im gonna name him crackers

its gray