Dandy's world but in gimkit (ravenview)

so obviously I cant have moving sentries yet
but I’m gonna need ideas for mechanics/or replacement mechanics since
some abilities are gonna be tough and memory consuming for this
but I have an idea for most already
and I’m coming up with a new way to do generators
so I’m gonna need help with that
but since I’m in school rn I’ma get some things done then return to this when I have time
there’s gonna be a lot to work on that I need help with like machine prop art
i’ll list the things I need later
but i’ll see y’all later

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update on machines
I’m using the health and shield bar to make an adjustable skill check
adjustable things including size and location
location being randomized
and size by stats
i’ll be using the damager and some imagination + hp granter
along with some brain hurt to try this but for now break time :D

starting from scratch cuz I lost track of what does what in my system

idea has been scrapped
(now working on fortitudo e dolore now
concept still a wip)
I’m marking solution

I hope your game goes well.

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