Da Epic Platformer and Da epic Dropper Thumbnail request

YES PLEASE! when will you have it done

Maybe sometime in the next few days? Does that work?

Also, I canā€™t read all of the posts above. Can you please give me a summary of what exactly you want? :grin:

Definitely!! Tysm!! 11 people and over 100 posts!

no due date (thanks again)

Okay. When will you decide which thumbnail to use if thereā€™s no due date? :thinking:

Thank You (thrice now!)

when everybody finishes no one is allowed to enter and we will have a poll

getting off now!!!

Okay, @GimkitPatriot9! :+1: Also, hereā€™s some of my past work if youā€™re interested: :heart_eyes_cat:

You only made 3 thumbnails?

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Yeah, I only started making thumbnails a few days ago, but Iā€™m starting to get the hang of it, @GimkitPatriot9. :laughing:

Gimkit101, donā€™t you dare be a void dragon. donā€™t. you. friggin. dare.
be a star dragon or smth just not a void dragon or shadow dragon or mist dragon


Wait I have to make a pfp of something of my new game

Noooo welp lemme start drawing

Sorry, @VoidFluffy, but you arenā€™t the only one who can be a void dragon. I think itā€™s cool, so Iā€™m doin it. Sorry if you donā€™t like the competition. :laughing:

I literally invented Void Dragons, so please donā€™t. At least be something similar like a shadow dragon or something.
This is something I feel very strongly about for no apparent reason.

Abyss dragon??? that sounds very cool
Iā€™ll find something that sounds cooler than void dragon so youā€™ll be it


Ehh? Maybe.


I should make a pilot gim right? Because my game is a plane game?

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Letā€™s move this to DOD padlet.

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Wait what which bio hmm

It already exists lol Google it