Da Epic Platformer and Da epic Dropper Thumbnail request

@Fruity-Gim are you finished

Is anybody finished?

you are stressing me out

please stop posting so many replies in a row, it’s clutter and annoying.

art takes time.
maybe if you don’t have the patience you should make one yourself…


I am not a good artist and people are not replying and that stresses me out

Also me who has:
A talent show
approx. 20 Art pieces to do (not counting thumbnails)
Yeah I need time okay?

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got it i will try to stop

So do I.
I literally just got on summer break, but I still have:
-AP astronomy summer hw (why?? WHY???)
-art (too much to count)
-johns hopkins physics course




If you don’t know, i have art block (and no motivation)
Can someone give that motivation?? i ran out of cookies tho (sob)

I won’t be finishing anytime soon sorry :frowning:

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1 word awesome. Its really good

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I will use this until everybody finishes and will have a poll

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@Fruity-Gim your a good artist keep up the good work!!!

@GimkitPatriot9, please consider editing your posts to insert information, not blatantly spewing it out and cluttering the page. As @VoidFluffy said, this is not a texting app or program. Also, it is considered rude to non-stop ping thumbnail artists. Art takes time, and taking away from that time also makes the thumbnail take more time, so does multiple notifications on multible short and unnessisary responses.

Thank you for your time.

:love_letter: :white_check_mark:

when is this due?

Explain more about it then I could make it

It’s the very middle of the night in New York time.

where I am it’s 12:36PM.

My question still stands: When’s it due?

I’m guess it’s now NEXT Sunday.


  1. Why is everyone changing their profile pictures. Both you and (Void)Fluffy changed your pictures twice recently! ↩︎