Custom Adaptive Voting System

I know there are a couple of posts asking for a voting system…but this one has a couple things that I would like it to have.

  1. The voting has to use popups to cast a vote.
  2. The amount of popups shown has to be adaptive to the amount of players in the game.
  3. The popups should have something like Do you want to vote for [insert player 1’s name here]

Is this possible?


The first one seems very much possible however the second one doesn’t, and as for the third one it doesn’t seem to be unless you make everyone have a color to represent themselves instead of their names.

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Did you want to know on how to do it or just if your requests were possible?

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@WhoAmI it is possible you just need to have it to where it works with a certain number of players and each player is his own team. So that you can click a button and a number goes up. Whichever number device has the highest number will kill every player on that team(only 1 player should be on a team), which means they get eliminated. Does that make sense?

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Ok then, first(for your first request) you need to have it open when recieving on x(the channel that that comes from pressing the emergency button). Then just set up the look as you wish and then set up a call to action button that will say “vote >”. Have a call to action channel that sends a message on channel y and then it will open another popup that says Vote! and have another call to action button that says vote “blue”(or whatever name you pick for the other player(s)) and have it send a message on channel vote blue which I’m sure you already have a way to tell if a player has been voted and how many times. Next have a second call to action label and have it say “next” that way it switches to another popup with another persons name and just continue to do that for all of them. (Wires would proabably make this easier so instead of adding a bunch of different channels you could just connect them all to one another using wires that have: primary call to action clicked ----> open popup. ) I am sadly not able to tell how many players there are and change the amount of popups by that number althought if somone does then please explain sense I can’t.

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Does this make sense?

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I am playing around with live player counters and if statements.

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To track the amount of players that voted someone?

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I just had an idea for the system…
So if you do the entire people thing, right? You use a live player counter to detect when the amount of players = 2. Everyone is one their own team. I could also use a team counter to adapt to the amount of popup. Player counter should work though. Each popup chooses someone random on a specific team (but since there is only one person per team, it will show their name). Then each popup will increment a counter for a team. When the counter reaches a certain number, it will relay to everone on the team and switch the team.


I’m not sure how it would show the player’s name but I believe it is possible.

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Get player name block.

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Oh ya that’s true. You could set the name of a player in a property or something and then display the property on the other players screen when they are picking someone to vote.

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Yes, it is, I’ve made a system that does that. You can store the names in properties with block code, and popups have block code that lets you set text, so you can made a pop up vote selector as well.

Making the popups the same as the amount of players in the game is just checking if the player name property is empty (the end of the player list has been reached) and then looping back to the start.


Are polyps popups?


Mobile autocorrect :frowning:


Have a property with player count and then have triggers that check if 3 (because minimum is 2 in a game) is less than property, then show the next popup, then when you click next, check if 4 is less, etc.

Basically, [Something to trigger voting] → #1 Popup → #2 Popup → Trigger Check → #3 Popup → Trigger Check → #4 Popup → #5 Popup

And then do something to assign everyone their own number, starting from 1.


I’m confused, what?

Alright, I have a solution, so I am marking this post as resolved.


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