Creative Platforming Is Here!

you can’t stop the chaos but you can try… splatoon 3 is an example but they were lucky only because of you (the main charchter) but if you never play the game they are doomed, and they are doomed anyway because the salimoids are getting close to the main city and they are all inevitablly going to die (in theory)

Umm ok? funny though, I played Splatoon 3 and your claims are fitting…(Kinda off topic though…)


sorry i mean we all are already off topic so the gimgods will have to close all update topics to get us to stop being off topic. we can try but its not possible to be entierly on topic

edit: i call them gimgods to adress them all because they have the power to change anything and everything, also because calling out exact names dosent feel right

lol :joy: “The Gim Gods” clears throat * O’ dear Gimkit Gods, please help us Gimkit mortals by closing the update posts and crushing these off-topic evil do-ers!


Lol moon im making one too, you want to hlp?

I Am A Number 1 Fan of Gimkit I think its the best game ever


Welcome to the forum, @JoeyTheGimkitGod!


Welcome to the forums! This is a nice community of other gimkit fans who agree with that statement!


I have to go to school

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Relatable :moyai:


im in school right now

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jus because your in school dont mean you have to stop doing gimkit

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The teacher: :moyai: (sometimes ur ok to still do it)

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mine don’t care (got chill teachers)

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now all we have to do is wait for it to be free. I was gonna say something else to stay on topic. but 18 mins already passed and you guys aren’t continuing anymore


Welcome to the forums, @JoeyTheGimkitGod

Yea! Welcome, @JoeyTheGimkitGod!

I deleted my old very lengthy intro.

Yes. He said that it will be released for everyone later this year if you don’t have the ticket.

I think it means on June 26th, when the season ticket with beta will be over.

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