Creative Platforming Is Here!

Wait, I just realized, that summits are just text with checkpoints…
I thought it was a new device…


OMG!!! :smile_cat: Thanks SO much, Josh!!!


Thank you th3_ca1tsune!

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Umm, say what now?
Why would anyone want it off?
Also, @Blackhole927 you’re smart, how do you set the height?

Da height in da overlay :smile:


OMG!!! You can turn off gravity! :sob: :smile_cat:

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What do you mean by how do you set the height?

As for the gravity, this is so if you fall you don’t fall all the way back to the bottom of your map and have to climb back up again.

Trust me, it’s a good feature. I was messing with editor platforming through mods a while ago, and it was actually something I ended up just writing a mod for because I was getting so annoyed at falling lol

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A fellow… that. It was so annoying. Now back on topic for me.

Can sentries fall?

I mean while making platformer maps lol, not in DLD.

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Nvm they do fall. So exciting!!! :sparkling_heart:

Just ask your parents


I’ll try, and most likely fail but worth a shot.

Allowances don’t exist in our house.


sadly i don’t have it so i cna’t get platforming oh i have an idea has anyone published a platforming game yet

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“Hey dad, there’s something I really want. Can I maybe do a few things around the house to get money for it”?

You can even argue this prepared you for later in life when you work to make money, then spend that money on things.


tried big failure and you can’t put links here i found out [

With platformjng I can make an amazing credit scene! My favorite part, thanking people!!!

Yessssss tysm josh!

Thank Ya For The Update Josh

What’s an allowance?
More importantly, what’s a house?