Counter Help For My Game

I was wondering if it would be possible if the target for a counter could be the number of players in the game.
(I do have a live player counter in the game)


I don’t think this is possible, but I just wanted to check.

You could do it with blockcode and properties, but not just counters

I kind of figured that. Do you think you could try to code it?

Have the live player counter update a property called Players
When Players updates transmit on Trigger
Have the second counter update a property called [NAME]
When [NAME] updates transmit on Trigger
Have the trigger trigger when receiving on Trigger.
Run this blockcode:

if "Players" = "[NAME]"
broadcast on: "[CHANNEL NAME]

Can you be a little more specific please? I’m a little confused.

On your Live Player Counter click the button that says “Property”
Set Update Property to Yes and have it update a property called Players
Create a global scoped, number property called Players. Go down to where it says when property changes, transmit on Trigger
On your Second Counter click the button that says “Property”
Set Update Property to Yes and have it update a property called Goal
Create a global scoped, number property called Goal. Go down to where it says when property changes, transmit on Trigger
Create a trigger. When receiving on Trigger trigger the device.
Now go into blockcode and do this:

if "Players" = "Goal"
broadcast on channel: "Success"
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I appreciate your help, but, since I have to go offline soon, I’m just going to make the target a set number of players.

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Okay, sorry I can’t be of much help. When I can get onto Gimkit later, I will try and update this with photos.


Use this guide

Easy. Try a counter, then a zone be placed wherever you like. All you need are these:
2 Zones
8 Barriers
One Counter
Step 1: Place the counter and make it invisible in-game
Step 2: Make a box with 4 barriers
Step 3: Place a zone outside the box
Step 4: Connect the zone to one of the barriers, and make ‘When Player Enters, Activate Zone’
Step 5: Make the connected zone activated/deactivated scope to ‘player’
Step 6: Connect the zone to the counter. ‘When Player Enters, Increment Counter’
Step 7: Make another box with 4 barriers.
Step 8: Place a zone inside the box, then repeat Step 4 and 5
Step 9: The inside zone will ‘Decrement Counter’
There you have it! (Let me know if this doesn’t work)
Properties not needed

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I appreciate your help, but what I want to know is if you can change the target number for the counter based on the number of players in the game.

You can’t change the target in game.

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Ok. That’s kind of what I thought.

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wait i have a solution for that
if you want it at least
first you will need LOTS AND LOTS of counters

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You will need a max player amount tho

Okay, so for this let’s have a max for 3 players.
Needed: 5 counters

I appreciate your attempt to help, but a few minutes ago I realized that I could just increment the counter for every player that joined, set the target to 0, and decrement it when the players enter a zone.

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okay, good luck!

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Make sure to mark the solution :smile:

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