No, I think that now the problem is that people will start spamming correct answers in GKC modes just to gain XP
I know what XP is and I have like 4 accounts that have like 80 levels each, this season.
post deleted by author (because josh wouldnt let him put a question set in)
post deleted by author (because josh wouldnt let him put a question set in)
what are you trying to accomplish -_-
this is very off topic
-_- I’m sorry but
I quite literally made the topic so I know how we got here
flag and move on…
just flag and move on…
you could do written response,
the answer contains 1,
spam one and enter!(the buttons on your keyboard)
cant flag.
still at TL1
will be able to after 11 more days of being here
What is TL1? Is it some sort of rank or something?
trust level 1. jirofgvhuidfo
trust level 1 or basic
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