Could someoen draw a logo that says Dress To Gimpress but i want one that is pink and shiny and one that is red and shiny

I’ve drawn my picture but need help drawing a logo and I want a heart above the i like this

Hold on what? Do you want a thumbnail or something? If not put this in help.

I have a my thumbnail but if you want i can send the photo and you could write the logo?

please… we need more ddetails

i want one that is pink and shiny and one that is red and shiny

Yea no offense but no one really knows what you want. Please provide more details

wait so just pink shiny red shiny no other details besides the heart i

what do you want on the logo? a gim? a dress? a gim in a dress?

I want it like this but just red and shiny then redraw another one that is pink and shiny but i want it to say dress to gimpress but make the heart above i

I think they want a logo for their game. Like the one in the top left that says GIMKIT.

oohh ok, thats ez

I gave more details yw

Well, that’s obvious, it says in the title, but we were asking what exactly they wanted. Apparently, they just want text