Could I please have some thumbnails?

I already have two thumbnails from very nice people, but could I please have more?

Blaster and wand, and the theme is basically a scared king trying to escape the castle, because he is under attack, so the colors can be whatever y’all want, as long as it looks scary. The king is defending himself w/ wand, while vortex agents are attacking with blasters

The game is called Good Luck Escaping


Um, what’s the topic?
And description please?

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The topic is Art and what do you mean by discription?

What gims do you want?
What should the layout look like?
What colors do you want?
Any specific items?
What’s the overall theme?

Problem. You reposted from another art post about your game.

Is it a problem, or am I delusional?
  • Def a prob
  • Build-pleasse is delusional
0 voters

Yes, that to, why’d you make a new topic? Just post again in the old one.

bro, I’m just tired of repeating, how are people supposed to understand what you need?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?

you just said the Title of your game, no one, NO ONE will make a Thumbnail without details, what you gave the names did not give anything… I don’t even understand what you are hoping for when they make you a Thumbnail, without information, PLEASE START DESCRIBING NORMALLY WHAT YOU NEED


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The last topic was how to put in a thumbnail. this is different. this is for peoples thumbnails. completely different

NVM gang I’m an artist so I’ll js make one.

Wait, so you asked how to put in a thumbnail before asking for a thumbnail? Not mad, just want to make that clear.

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but what I needed was the king gimkit thing Escaping the vortex agent (or whatever the black one is) while the agent is attacking with a blaster while king defends with a wand

Better, you answered the gim question, try answering the other ones. :slight_smile:

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yes because I didn’t know how to do one

more information, and not in the answer, but in the description

Okay, did the people who helped you give you practice thumbnails? Because you said you already got two.

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I gave the items, blaster and wand, and the theme is basically a scared king trying to escape the castle, because he is under attack, so the colors can be whatever y’all want, as long as it looks scary.

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Great! That should be enough for other thumbnailists!

Understood pHiL.

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yes they did but I just wanted other ones just to see

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Those might have been example thumbnails, and they might not have fit their requirements.


Exactly thank you!! I couldn’t find the right words