Cookie Climb Thumbnail Request!

Yeah. It’s called Crumble.

Yes i can in about an hour.

@CJiskewl @CustomCoaster @Mualani_Star @BrownSugarAlien how are the thumbnails coming along?

Who said I was doing a thumbnail?

CustomCoaster and I never agreed to do one
wrong sister
you’re supposed to ping @Chilli
not me
(oops already did it lol)

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Sorry if I pinged you two, I was just doing a mass ping and I didn’t check who had actually said that they were going to do one. Sorry for the inconvineince! :smile:

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I never said that I was doing one either.

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Sorry to anyone who got mass pinged.

2 days left for submissions!

Poll and winner is saturday.

Don’t forget thumbnail polls have been banned!
Unless your doing it outside the forums!
That might be considered fine.

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I’ll be attempting to do one!
(tomorrow, since I have a snow day off, that is!)
and if I remember :blush:
I have a fairly simple idea I wish to execute with this theme!


Ok thank you @Kat_aronii and @Mualani_Star i apriciate the advice

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