Connecting a button to text using channels..........Wait is that possible either?

Ok so I Need help with this I’ve tried wires too didn’t work plz help.

What are you tryna do with the text?

Elaborate on that thought?

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change it like I’m making a mario party map and it’s supposed to be like chance time

you can use block code and channels on text to change what the text says.

what do you want the text to do?

I already did that I just need to connect it

whats the channel that you use to activate the code block?

Show who taking and losing gold

chance time
that’s all

Not sure how to do it with channels but wires should work. just get a source for the wire, and connect it to the text, and click the first option that you want, then run wire pulse block. I can help you make a source for the wire if you need it.

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