Complete List Of Forum Tags & Categories

Should someone change this since the Gimkit Awards are seemingly coming back??


Beginner must read is pretty old I think. There used to be a #new-users-must-read tag before it got taken down I think.


Yeah, there was. I was listing unnecessary or unused tags.


Why is it always, right after someone becomes a moderator, they leave or take a break? There needs to be a mod-bot.

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Tag petition time

Should we make a terrain tag?
  • Yes
  • No (please state why not)
0 voters

Please actually put some thought in before voting
And if you don’t think we should, please tell me

I’m not going to make it if we have a majority yes. @twofoursixeight can make the final verdict once he’s back

Also please don’t make this a tag yet if you’re a regular. Wait for the mod to say
I believe it’s a good tag to make.
There are several topics around multiple specific topics on it, and it’s a good term to search by

If agreed on, can another tl3 make it please?


I think we should make the tag but it will be up to the community



Also I sent a ban request a bit ago, in case you miss it


Yay, you’re back. I don’t know if you noticed but I sent you and Blackhole a PM a little while back, and he said it was urgent.


uhh perm pls no. <yay its not les go !>



I don’t think so, terrain might not be widespread unlike other tags.

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bumpity bump bumo.


should I add the top-down tag to this list? I made it to make it easy to know if a guide is for top-down or platformer.

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I would. (but that’s just my opinion)

Someone already tried and it got removed, you can check history.

I made a tag that is only visible to moderators, but it tells me whether someone puts the ideas tag in by themselves or it was added by the system.

as a mod:

as a non-mod:


I cant check history lol, TL3’s cant do that. pretty sure only moderators can.
(I’m a bit tired :yawning_face:, mainly because I haven’t slept in like 4 days. )



should I add this to the list or not?
edit: I accidently replied to the wrong thing, whoops.

The top-down tag: Yes because it’s currently being used in a few topics
The hidden automatically-tagged tag: No because it’s meant to be mod only.


yeah I was talking about the top-down tag, I accidently replied to the post of you mentioning the mod only tag, that was on me. I added the top-down and platformer tags, as both are made to seperate posts based on map style (I’m calling the GKC game modes that now, as GKC reminds me as Mario maker.)

Should there be a #question tag? This would only be for help posts, but separate normal help and questions.

For example:
How do you get to he devices panel?
How do you get the season ticket?
How do you get the “…” ([1])) In Markdown?

(By this, I mean not “I need help with my game,” more like, “I have a question about Gimkit.”)

Should Someone Add A Question Tag?
  • Yes
  • No
  • I’d Have To Think About It (Change Later)
0 voters

Also, I have an idea for “Tag Request.” It’s a specific post where you can request for Tags, categories, or banners to be added and/or applied to a post. Also, it could be for requests to change the name os posts. A unique feature of Tag Requests would be where you can request a banner (ex. Ban Speedrunner), to notify people of an event, occurrence, rule, etc.

  1. This Thing ↩︎