Character devices help

welp so, i’m trying to update my old game that has a shop in it,

and want to use the character devices to make items purchasable with character dialogue, instead of using the old method of a pop-up chain.

and I still don’t understand how to use them :sweat_smile:

can someone give me a quick how-to please?

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Player interacted with character:
transmit on Channel: Talk1
open dialogue when receiving on:Talk1
Action clicked:
purchase channel
vending machine:
attempt to purchase when receiving on:
purchase channel

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you place them down chose the gim you want them to be and link them to a character diolouge device
(but mostly what kirbyking said)

Character device? you mean the sentry thats not a sentry but just pure skin

So you can start with your character and the character is like a button walking in a Gim’s skin. Under “Interaction” you can edit it just like a button

Then you can use the Dialogue Device like normal by adding a message with a gim and opening on the channel you indicated

Now instead of using the buttons under “Actions” you want to add a Dialogue Action

By putting in a group inidicated at the bottom you can link it to the actual dialogue device that is in the same group

its in “All OPtions” in the dialogue device


Thank you! I’ll try this.


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