Channel Response times. Also i need a players TPS

TPS = Tiles per second.
How many coordinate values can a player move in a secnod. Basically, if current xy is 0,0 and u are moving up, willl you be at 0,6 in one sec, or 0,5 or 0,4?. ty!
When u broadcast on channel, and a trigger will trigger on channel, what is the response time?

also, i have some code, where once “player moves” it sets a property to current coords. then it broadcast, and then set the new coords (players are moving) to another property.
now, will the channel broadcasting be too fast for the current coords to update?

The coordinate device handles this already sooooo i dont think so?


Estimating 5 tiles per second. On that note…
A player, if going all directions at once, could access 40 tiles per second.

anyone else?

what u mean by this

I think with some extensive block math and properties this could be possible. Label one property xOld and one yOld, then have xOld and yOld be set to the player’s X Coordinate and Y Coordinate (respectively). However, just before it changes, set another two properties, xNew and yNew, to abs((xOld)-(X Position)) and abs((yOld)-(Y Position)).

Alright, the player’s TPS at default is 4 tiles. 32 coordinate points are possible.

Do you mean interval to check and update? To be safe, you set a trigger’s delay at 0.1.
That wouldn’t be too fast for it to update.

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how did you predict my entire system. lol

this isnt asking for the code, im asking if the channel broadcast will be too fast. i code for fun.

this asnwers some of my questions. and nolife, u said tps was 5?

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I estimated it was 5.
It’s 4.

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