Can you respawn a ball?

I am making a golf style game and I would want to respawn the ball with an overlay. Is that possible? If yes, please respond.

you can respawn a ball, but not with an overlay

It always respawns.
I don’t think it can be connected via wires or channels, but it can be dropped or moved by barriers, sentries or players.

You can wire an overlay to the zone where it respawns?

not possible as of now
per my testing

Connect the channel of the overlay to the deactivation setting.
Connect the channel of a constant trigger chain with a small delay to the activation setting.

Okay, never mind. The blastball appears to be bugged upon repeated activation and deactivation.
Make sure the respawn cooldown is set to 1 second, and the trigger chain delay should be more than 1 second.


Can you please simplify that into step? I may be able to find a loophole around it!

Even the ball expert is confused :face_with_spiral_eyes:

Or maybe I was also thinking that if you could make the player freeze when touching the ball, that would also solve the problem. I’ve seen guides on the ball doing damage on contact, maybe we could modify that into the player freezing.

How exactly does freezing the player solve the problem? The ball is bugged, not the player.

Freezing the player won’t solve the current problem, but by taking a different aproach it may work. Plus I may have an idea on how to respawn to ball if this manages to work.

So you don’t know if it works at all.
How does freezing the player relate to respawning the ball?

If you freeze the player than you are on the right track with the blocks, because the begining of both toppics is the same; find the right device combo for the ball to obay a command. The commands vary but the base doesen’t.

Put a unactive ball zone the size of the whole map, to respawn the ball, activate it, then deactivate it right after

Why is the player freezing needed for this? How is activating both the ball and the player supposed to do anything special? What do you mean by your last sentence?

@ILIKEGIMKIT, the ball respawns anyway.
Wire an overlay to the zone where it respawns.

I already tryd that but it didn’t work for some reason

And I mean respawn witought it going into the ball capture zone

Just giving some ideas, but yes I don’t really know if it works.