Hejjo guys! I need information on whether you can make a microphone system.
Just for realisticness purposes…
I need more information on how this would work. Are you asking that is there a voice chat system?
No, just a system to record your microphone levels.
Gotcha. My best guess would be to use a combination of zones to make a sentry ‘notice’ you. But I wouldn’t know who’s to do the UI overlay. I could dive deeper, if you wanted me too.
nope not YET this cant be done ppl are working on it not gimkit team just ppl
Oh ok. Wait, who???
idk exactly but there where topics about this with ppl saying there trying to do it search up the search bar.
define what your getting at with Microphone system
Look up. I said in a earlier comment.
Then this is a simple no, Gimkit does not have the ability nor access to your microphone
unless you mean like in game sort of fake noises
No, like in fears to fathom, the game can record your mic levels during the horrifying part.
Edit: I know how to make the hiding spot, I just need mic system.
No, this isn’t possible as of now. You can’t necessarily record the noises in your game or through the noises you make in a mic.
like I said you mean ACTUAL peoples voices?
I think so, maybe, you could make something while typing instead, that would make it a little more…possible
No, that wouldn’t work. It would take too much memory to constantly record something.
aaaah, thank you, I remember back in the old GIMKIT days, I always dicided to make memory efficient things, sorry, I forgot that the typing thing that I made took 56% of the memory bar
Additionally, to calculate noise levels, that would be too much memory already taken. I mean, sure, if you want to make an extremely small map, go for it. Otherwise, it’s not possible.
maybe they could type something and depending on the letter they type the make a sound similar to lets say F
that would take more memory though, wouldn’t it?
That’s highly theoretical. And again, to constantly record the noise, or, in this case, the key being pressed, it would take a lot of memory.