Can you get more Slots?

Im not going to confirm it but im not going to deny it >:)

me (very low, real)

i dont know if thats a compiment

13 or early 14

e thank you for the information provided

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2 yrs old


Screenshot 2023-08-28 9.17.57 PM

do i look like a fish to you?

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id prob have to study more psychology and understand why these habits are to make better inferences but yh

weren’t you a green fish?

not anymore.

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This is getting really off-topic, not trying to kill the conversation just take it down so we do not anger the mods

f r e e w i k i p o s t

Give me a free profile picture to use ;-;

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oh i forgot about that post delete time because i dont want to have any evidence of me saying anything ever!!!

huh wdym by this??? like honestly I have no clue what this is supposed to mean

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its a @trust_level_3 thing where anyone can edit it

anything with the tag tug is wiki and most resources are too

Does anyone have a guide for TEAM-shared item droppers? I’m thinking about making one.

What do you mean?

I have an idea for a bedwars style item-dropper, but for teams, since the current ones aren’t compatible for more than one person.