Can this be done with block coding?

I already did that but I’m trying to have the same block code do it more than once

so you want it to respawn after being picked up?
srry if I don’t get it

no, I want it do redo the code and have multiple randomly generated weapons

so you should just wire it to multiple item granters? and you cant have it redo the code midgame.

But I want it to run through the same one and not take up a bunch of memory and have multiple item granters

lemme hop on so I can experiment.

I’ve been trying to find out how for a while now so thank you

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maybe you can put a game c0de in your profile summary so then we can both try it.

wait… major breakthrough maybe?
Screenshot 2024-05-12 4.02.50 PM

You have to pick the weapon off the ground though

don’t you use a button for it or something?

here is the code

Item Granter 1 code

Item Granter 2 code

no, put it in a padlet.

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You use a button to pick it up


Can anyone help me with this

in this case, we would need to put the channels to weapon-1, weapon-2, etc.
and these weapons will be listed in the order of what shards they are from light-medium-heavy-snowball:
the list is:
zapper -1
PML -2
Blaster -3
Slingshot -4
Wooden Wand -5
Evil Eye -6
Quantum Portal -7
Snowball launcher -8

are you trying to have one of the item granters grant items more than once?
if so, you could just use a repeater or a trigger loop

Memory saving time! So what you need is a property that dictates which location it’s for and then uses concatenation to set the right location.

thanks for helping me

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