Can someone tell me how to make a game overlay perform an action when clicked

How do i make an on screen button do something when clicked

you can uses wires

how will that make it do something when clicked

when button is clicked → game overlay ( i think this is right)

Open the overlay settings, their is 3 options Buton, text, and tracked item.

no i want to make it so that when you click the over lay it does the action

I think what you want is button form.

What action do you want it to do?

well for instance teleport someone

Ok, let me show you an example.

oh i got it. Thank you so much

You just need 1 teleporter and 1 overlay.
Uploading: image.png(1)…

Uploading: image.png…

It is very simple. Click in the overlay device and it will give you the settings you need. If you’re having trouble connecting it, just use a wire or channel if you don’t have a lot of storage

The screen shots won’t load, at least the one of the settings did work.

you got to wait and let them load before posting it

I know but, the forums is not working well today for me.

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