Can someone make a thumbnail that looks like the PFP trend?

Umm can u make a custom one?
If not can I use urs?
(I’ll put u in credits)

IDRC what it looks like, tho. Be creative!

ok I guess ill do one

i might try

making text normal again from big to small
<small> <big> and to send it back, </small> and </big>

I’ve asked for one too and have not gotten it I wish my axolotl was trendy :sob:

a PFP? if so that’s not allowed @NoTimeToBleedQQ

hahahaha ooooh ur funny

sooooooo it ok to make regulars ones and others but not me lol hipicrits

no. this isnt asking for a PFP, its asking for a thumbnail that looks like a PFP for the charcter of the game…

Hello? What’s happening here?
edit:where do you find the advanced user tutorial?

no it ain’t and y’all know that shes just saying that to get to the trend

no offense @BMW23 This text will be blurred

Okay I know you said no offense but offense taken
And 2 things:

  1. I am only using this for my thumbnail(well I’ll use the picture for reference to draw my own)
  2. I am a boy

please dont be rude on the forums if BMW23 is only going to use it for there thumbnail then thats perfectly aloud also if they do use it for there PFP than they will get flagged so I dont think they will

What does pfp mean because I don’t know

profile picture [spoiler][/spoiler]

also you misspelled hypocrite

we already had a whole war on that.

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honestly IDC u know wat I mean so ye

… okay. you should read more carefully next time and see them explain. so you don’t go accusing

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Actually, ykw, nvm.
@Blackhole927 , can you close this please?