Can someone help me with my in game chat

All you need to do is create a block code inside the notification, and wire the chat system/popup/whatever to the notification like Pop-up Opened → Run Wire Pulse Block, and on the notification blocks, change it to this:
Screenshot (120)

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ok thank you i could of not did it with out you guys

I will test it right now

Wait it did not work

Do you have a Pop-up wired to a notification like this;
Pop-up Opened → Run Wire Pulse Block

Never mind i found out my problem thank you guys :grinning: :grinning:

i found it out i put what the notfication wired not to the wire pulse block ok thank you

so Thank you i would of not able to do it with out you

No problem! Like @FAST_Developer said, anything to help a fellow developer!

Agreed @InfiScript , Agreed

Should I make a final in game chat guide with both Dayy’s idea with the activity feed (which only works at 90% zoom) and notifications? (Just to clarify things)
  • Yes
  • Mo
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